About PAVE
Project Against Violent Encounters (PAVE) is a non-profit agency that provides free and confidential services to victims of domestic and sexual violence in Bennington County. PAVE offers services to all victims and does not discriminate based on sex, gender, age, race, ethnic background, citizenship status, religion, disability, or sexual orientation. PAVE has been recognized as a non-profit since 1988, our EIN number is 03-0285583. All donations to PAVE are tax deductable.
Our Mission
Our mission is to end domestic and sexual violence and to provide supportive and educational services to individuals, families, and the community. We offer services to all survivors and do not discriminate based on sex, gender, age, race, ethnic background, citizenship status, religion, disability, or sexual orientation. Through our advocacy services and team of volunteers, we’ve been able to make a major impact for survivors in Bennington County.
Our Impact (2023-2024)
Survivors were assisted with securing Protection orders.
88% approval rate for temporary orders . 79% approval rate for final orders.
Referrals from local Law Enfocement
PAVE maintains a referral protcol, Advocate Initiated Response with all Law Enforcemnt in Bennington County.
Support sessions provided directly to Survivors
Call to our 24/7 Crisis Hotline
217 Youth & 79 Adults
Received preventative education on IPV and healthy relationships
Nights of Emergency Shelter provided and 24 long term housing assistance vouchers sercured for survivors.
Our Services
PAVE’s services include: 24 hour emergency hotline, court and social service advocacy, support groups, case management, emergency financial assistance, information and referrals, legal assistance, access to emergency and housing navigation, supervised visitation, and community and in-school education.
Hotline | Legal Advocacy | Shelter & Housing | Family Time | Outreach & Training