
Need Support?

Call Our 24/7 Crisis Hotline: 802-442-2111

Our Crisis Hotline is available to anyone in need 24/7 every day of the year, including holidays. Through our hotline, we provide support and assistance to victims of violence and their friends and family.

While our services are confidential, all PAVE’s staff and volunteers are mandated reporters for child abuse. If child abused is disclosed to any PAVE staff member or volunteer, a report will be made to child protective services.

PAVE offers a wide range of services, including immediate assistance, referrals, and information, as well as emotional support. Our advocates also accompany victims of domestic or sexual violence to the hospital or police station, give support in court to explain procedures, and provide referrals to social service agencies where welfare benefits, food stamps, assistance with employment and housing and childcare can be found, to legal assistance, and/or to mental health counselors.

At PAVE, we provide services to all survivors. We do not discriminate based on gender, sexual orientation, age, health status, socioeconomic status, race, parental responsibility, language, immigration status, religious or political affiliations, or physical, mental or emotional ability.