
Legal Advocacy

Our advocates provide information and support to people as they navigate the complex legal system.

We can help guide you with :

  • Relief from Abuse Order
  • Harrassment Orders
  • Separation or Parentage, including Parental Rights and Responsibilities
  • Child Support
  • Criminal Court proceedings such as depositions or scheduled hearings

Note: Our advocates cannot serve as expert witnesses and are not attorneys

Law Enforcment, Parole & Probation Advocacy

Our Advocate Initiated Response System ensures that all Law Enfocement in our County can make direct & timely referrals to a PAVE advocate when they respond to a call involving domestic and/or sexual violence. This advocate works with local law enforcement, the State’s Attorney’s office, & Probation and Parole to help survivors navigate these systems in ways that provide them the justice they deserve.

Through case management services, we provide referrals, public benefits advocacy, accompaniment to appointments, housing support, food pantry access, and a range of other services to help clients build stability in all areas of their lives.